BDM International

Parents’ Testimonials

Due to the unsort ingress of Covid-19 pandemic situation, educational sector was the first to shut down as it was the most vulnerable hub for our little ones. As learning must continue, schools adopted an online or virtual mode of education to engage our kids. I admitted my daughter, Marushika Bandyopadhyay at BDM International which is one of the esteemed institutions in Kolkata. Initially, it was difficult to make her sit in-front of the computer / smartphone but as days passed, things became easier with the endless support of teachers. They allowed Marushika to learn continuously through various activities and events. Curriculum has been designed in a very meticulous way with definite learning objectives & assignments. Each learning objective was met with an assessment and feedback session. I would personally like to thank the class teacher and all the respected school authorities for the continuous effort in nurturing these little flowers to bloom and spread the fragrance of knowledge and wisdom.
Kinkiny Bandyopadhyay
Mother of Marushika Bandyopadhyay | Class: Prep
I feel honoured to be given the opportunity to share my views as a guardian about my experiences at B.D.M. International. No doubt the teaching-learning process executed by the esteemed institute, keeps up it’s glorious heritage. The teachers are not only highly skilled but also affectionate and caring. Moreover, besides academic excellence, the school has always endeavoured to ensure that the students imbibe within themselves a flair for creativity and spontaneity. Project activities are greatly encouraged. The faculty has amazingly bridged the hiatus entailed by the pandemic through continual online classes. I thank the entire faculty for their dedication and dauntless effort.

Anindita Basu

Mother of Aadrita Chakraborty | Class: KG
Today while staying in a confinement in this COVID pandemic, BDM International has shown its nobility through its sense of responsibility. Enormous efforts and patience of the teachers have guided the children towards a holistic development. Individual care was taken while imparting lessons as well as advocating discipline. The class teacher deserves special praise for creating a friendly ambience while conversations, propagation of awareness and General Knowledge sessions. Online activity classes are really amazing, the project works are very helpful to develop their extra-curricular activities, where observations of special days enrich them in culture for a bright future. The online club session has brought interest and excitement among the children in dance, music and story-telling. Kudos to the teachers, thanks to our BDMI family.
Digantadipta Goswami
Father of Aaheli Goswami | Class: KG
“We choose B.D.M. International because of its great reputation in providing quality education. It has the best teaching faculty and a homely ambience where my child gets quality education, using advanced technical aids. We wanted the best foundation for our child. This sums up why we love BDMI. This is the second year of our son and we couldn’t be happier and more grateful for the growth we have seen in him. Our son loves his school. We are truly blessed to be a part of the BDMI family”.
Nafisa Rahaman Begg
Mother of Mirza Faizaan Begg | Class: Prep
During the pandemic, being parents of a small kid, one of the most horrible thing that occurred to our mind was that how to keep the kid busy in the room for 24/7 without any outside activity. At that time, B D M International succeeded in developing a meaningful interaction between the esteemed teachers and the students through its online classes. Gradually, we noticed that Priyanshu would look forward to his online classes. Apart from studies, he has enjoyed all the extra-curricular activities in the online classes. For all these, we are thankful to B D M International and my son’s beloved teacher.
Sujan Ghosh
Father of Priyangshu Ghosh | Class: KG
Our daughter Aadhya Debnath, had an incredible year. Her teacher’s patience, creativity and love made her experience positivity and growth. I want to salute the entire team of BDMI and specially faculties for being a part of my ward’s journey. It feels that we are sitting in same class and doing work in front of you. I have relived my childhood with my daughter again during her online classes. Thank you so much dear school.
Tuhina Layek
Mother of Aadhya Debnath | Class: Toddler
I, Emida Swer Choudhury, parent of Amyraa Swer Choudhury, Toddler 3, am really thankful to God for leading me to BDMI, a perfect school for my child. The school, the ambience from the front desk, the back office, the infrastructure and the classrooms are amazing. When it comes to online classes, I was more nervous than my daughter, but the school management created such an amazing learning experience for us. It is innovative, fun and creative. Our beloved teacher’s patience, her teaching technique and her love towards all children without any partiality makes the class warm.
Emida Swer Choudhury
Mother of Amyraa Swer | Class: Toddler
As a guardian, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the teachers and school management for successfully conducting the academic session 2021-22 in virtual platform. During these unprecedented times, the BDMI team has left no stone unturned in exploring new avenues of learning. The school faculty and the management worked round-the-clock to ensure smooth transition from classroom teaching to interactive online sessions with the support of technology which have been running successfully over the past two years. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers for their effort, hard work, care and patience they put in for the online sessions, explaining everything in a detailed manner each day. It is not a very painless task to teach such small kids online, however the teachers made all the necessary arrangements so that each kid gets proper attention and the learning is smooth. I really appreciate the fact that the focus is not just on finishing the syllabus but also ensuring that each student are also involved in various activities, exercises, dance, etc. which helps to reduce stress and boredom. Last but not the least, I am looking forward to see my child attending classes in her beloved school from the next academic session.
Sharmistha Bhattacharya
Mother of Srija Bhattacharya | Class: IV
As a guardian I must appreciate the way BDMI has been continuing all the academic and co-curricular activities during this unprecedented global pandemic. When all of a sudden, a countrywide lockdown was announced, BDMI without wasting time almost immediately flipped to the online mode of education and adopted technologies(WhatsApp Group, Google Meet Platform, Vawsum App and others) for imparting knowledge through online classes as well as online exam. Not only the online classes, during the last two years BDMI has actively engaged its students in various co-curricular activities like national festivals, Olympiad exams, Mathematics, English and art competitions and other CBSE activities throughout the year which probably couldn’t be possible during offline classes due to paucity of time. Hats off to BDMI for nurturing our kids so well.
Sudip Kumar De
Father of Parineeta De | Class: III
As a parent I am very happy with the Learning Methodology of BDM International. It is universally accepted that all work and no play makes a child dull. BDMI enhances the thinking ability of children by engaging their spare time in co-curricular activities beyond the books. Activities like – painting, singing, dancing and storytelling boost up the self-esteem of the students. The club sessions help the students take their mind off from the pandemic situation. Last but not the least, by participating in Special Assembly, all the students are able to come closer to their own culture, heritage & country as well.
Moumita Chakravarti
Mother of Rianshi Chakravarti | Class: I