BDM International

World Environment Day 2023

Every year on June 5th, people all over the world celebrate World Environment Day, when individuals are inspired to take action to preserve the natural surrounding on this planet. The students of B.D.M.I took active part in celebrating this auspicious day, this year, through various activities to show their love and respect towards Mother Nature. The theme for this year’s celebration is ‘Beat plastic pollution’. To encourage awareness on this, the students made attractive bags out of old news papers and distributed them to the local shops, to prop up their campaign towards the 3 R’s principle – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Preparation of seed bombs was another substantial enterprise that the students aced. The motto behind it was to ‘recreate habitat and encourage wildlife to return’, as it is believed that seed bombs have a higher rate of growth success in comparison to regular seeding. Also, in order to help the wildlife, students showcased their skills in making beautiful bird feeders, which they installed outside their windows to help the poor aerial creatures in this heat. Lastly, the students embarked on their campaign through the most active social networking site – ‘WhatsApp’. They circulated pictures of the posters they made using natural items like leaf, straw and flowers to highlight eco-friendly habits for conserving our pride- Our Environment. The dedication with which the students carried out their task showed their care regarding the matter of environmental degradation and the exigencies of conservation. B.D.M.I is a big community and it is through these activities that the students tried to convey their message – “It is our responsibility to preserve the resources that we are gifted with. Through efforts from each one of us, we can definitely bring a visible and meaningful difference in our surrounding.”

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